I'm Not Playing Married or Divorced
(I'm Not Now nor Have I Ever Been Either of the Two)!!!
(Matthew 19: 1-12: From the Message Interpretation)
“When Jesus had completed these teachings, he left Galilee and crossed the region of Judea on the other side of the Jordan. Great crowds followed Him there and He healed them.
One day the Pharisees were badgering Him: “Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?”
He answered; “Haven't you read in your bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh – no longer two bodies but one. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.”
They shot back in rebuttal, “If that's so, why did Moses give instructions for divorce papers and divorce procedures?”
Jesus said, “Moses provided for divorce as a concession for your hardheartedness, but it is not a part of God's original plan. I'm holding you to the original plan, and holding you liable for adultery if you divorce your faithful wife and then marry someone else. I make an exception in cases where the spouse has committed adultery.”
Jesus' disciples objected, “If those are the terms of marriage, we're stuck. Why get married?”
But Jesus said, “Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn't for everyone. Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked – or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it.”
I'm rebuking, reproving, correcting, and instructing myself in righteousness with this piece... I just thought I'd share my revelations with the family.
That being said, Let's get right to it!!!
It has been a whirlwind of emotional ups and downs for me lately; all kinds of attack on every aspect of my life, to the point that I've even questioned my own personal value... (“What on earth am I doing for heaven's sake?”) I've even had moments where I thought it would be easier to give in completely and say, “SCREW IT!!!” (Anybody ever been there???) So thanks to a few friends and my family, I've been feeling much better because of their prayers on my behalf, and the encouragement to “...not grow weary in well doing...”(Galatians 6:9) I'll admit, I had lost my appetite for prayer, (giving in to stress and anxiety... only to lead to more stress and anxiety), but God is a Father like no other, and really came and sat right with me, as only HE can, even in my silence. And what HE revealed to me... WHEW!!! Blew my MIND!!! I love in your face revelations from the Father!!! He told me, It's going to be a painful process, but a healing process (much like surgery.... “It hurts, but it heals.” Shout out to Shellie R. Warren)
Now here I am thinking the first round would be the worst. OH WAS I WRONG!!! (“The backlash has been more devastating!!!“ Shout out to my sister Stephanie Richey) But from the burn-off this is what I got...
I'm up pretty early these days. (reading, emailing, texting, or watching the news for a weather report) Today, I'm getting messages from a few people saying hello, some confirming business related initiatives, others joking, and THEN... A VERY personal inquiry into an even MORE personal territory... UGH!!! Those of you who really know me, know that I have a “click spirit”, meaning if you cross certain boundaries with me... I'LL CLICK!!! Whatever I say... WELL... AMEN!!! Praise God for His grace and me really trying to grow in TEMPERANCE... One of the Fruits of the Spirit... I Digress...
So after letting my initial response pass through my head a few times, I responded (with a little more tact), “What kind of question is that?” which prompted a phone conversation of me having to lovingly and graciously tell the person, “I don't have to answer that for three reasons: 1) It's NONE of your business, 2) You aren't certain the information stream is actually about me, and 3) WHAT DIFFERENCE does it make in the grander scope of things?” Now, for the purpose of where this is going, I went and checked the source myself, and as suspected two questions to an online survey had been BLOWN out of proportion. I was led to believe that the majority of this thing is about me... TRY ONE QUESTION, another one ASSUMED to be about me, and the answer to the one that was about me was about our growing friendship... SO NOW I'M LIVID!!!!
My day is almost ruined, but God hit me again, The backlash is more devastating...
So now to the lead scripture...
I've done a TON of dissecting with my past relational behavior and come to realize that I took on a lot of the behavior patterns of marital unions, without EVER making the covenant commitment... (Sex, Intimate time in restricted space, and even co-dependency) PLAYING married with no God-Ordained, God-Centered, or God-Focused motives... (You don't have to say Amen, Just nod when I pass by your front porch!!!) When the relationship would end after a season, I always felt like I was going through some sort of divorce or severance proceeding (physical, spiritual, emotional, personal, and possessional divorce and severing of ties), and then would realize how complacent and comfortable I had become in the situation. WOW!!! This would expose all the collateral damage I've caused in other people's lives...
(Sidebar... Another piece on being DERAILED by the enemy is coming REAL SOON!!!)
After realizing all that had taken place in these non-covenant relationships, I realized that I HAVE to stop PLAYING and become mature enough to realize I still have some growth proceedings yet to undergo. In that realization, by guidance of the Holy Spirit, I've come to the full understanding of a few things...
First... Boyfriend/Girlfriend relationships, Engagements, and this FOOLISHNESS we come to tolerate as “Common Law” relations are all NON-COVENANT relationships!!! YEP... SAID IT... MEANT IT!!! That means I'm restricted from ALL covenant union behavioral allowances. Am I against healthy relationships that lead to God-Designed, God-Ordained, God-Established, and God-Centered covenant life partnerships (MARRIAGES Y'all!!!)??? No!!! I'm all for that!!! For that to happen, the scriptures encourage us to grow to a level of maturity as individuals to walk that process out properly. Otherwise stay away from it!!! I realize that I've conducted some very childish, fantasy-like, animated film type, soap-opera, mindless behavior in relationships of the past... AND I DON'T WANT THAT ANYMORE!!!
(I Corinthians 13:11) “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”
(Genesis 2:24,25) “This explains why a MAN leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”
Secondly... I made the statement just recently that I realize I'm not at the point where I can give my BEST, so this is not the season for me...
(Sidebar #2... We need to recognize that not being able to give our best is an indication of a variation or a combination of the following: a) For whatever reason, I'm not thoroughly equipped, or b) you're not equipped... and FAMILY, THAT IS UNEQUAL YOKING!!!)
(II Corinthians 6:14-18)
Now if you're like me, you've heard the “Unequally Yoked” passage used to brow-beat and manipulate folks into a botched relationship to justify two folks tying the knot to make an “honest” union...
(STOP PLAYING WITH ME Y'ALL... I AM NOT PLAYING WITH YOU!!!) But as I studied the yoking of horses, oxen, etc., I learned the concept here is really about balance. The term “unequally yoked” is derived from the Greek word heterozugeo (yes that is the correct spelling!!!), meaning to be associated in discord, or confusion. And the scriptures clearly say, “God is NOT the author of confusion.” (I Corinthians 14:33) So when two animals are joined in a yoke, one may be stronger than the other, pull to one side, or go at a faster pace. So you have to match the pairing of animals so that they balance each other out and the TEAM works together more effectively, moving in the same direction, at the same pace, at the SAME TIME... And the “weaker” of the team get stronger by their association with the stronger.... OOOH!!! (Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together except they agree?” - Shout out to Shellie R. Warren AGAIN!!!) But if the team can't work together... FAMILY... WE HAVE A PROBLEM... CALLED UNEQUAL YOKING!!! And guess what? There are some unequally yoked CHRISTIANS out there RIGHT NOW!!! YEP... SAID IT!!! If I were wrong, divorce court dockets would NOT be stocked full of church folk, the rate would be down, married folk would be AT HOME TOGETHER, homes would not be in disarray, there would be no need for all the counseling, there would be no domestic disturbance units in the police forces, there would be no sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse against spouses OR the CHILDREN, and the children would NOT be CRAZY and DERANGED... (Oh YES I AM GOING THERE!!!)
Thirdly... My resolve after all this is that I STILL need to allow God to guide me in some growing processes (Psalms 1). What I truly LOVE about the first marriage, (Adam and Eve... Garden of Eden... Genesis 2:18-25) is that God saw Man's deficiency[lack] and need for a help mate... We who have been raised on the King James interpretation have read it as helpMEET. My study of the word HELPMEET led me to these definitions: A suitable, compatible, compassionate, understanding PARTNER... WOW!!! (IF THAT ISN'T I CORINTHIANS 13... I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS) So... If I'm walking with God, doing what HE has instructed me to do, then HE recognizes what's missing, and “HE will supply my needs according to HIS riches and glory.” (Phillipians 4:19) OH YEAH BRING IT ON!!!
Fourthly... (Now I'm gonna go here and then I'll stop meddling...)
IF you read Phillipians 4:10-19, as I have, you see the benchmark for healthy relationships all the way around...
a) Express gladness for those who genuinely care about your well-being (v.10)... That can be a friend, and it BETTER be your spouse MARRIED FOLK!!! Healthy relationships do begin and end as friendships... to ME. I've actually been told in the past, “I can't just be your FRIEND!!!” REALLY??? Well what happens nature takes a change in her course??? A FRIEND WILL RECOGNIZE YOUR BEAUTY FOR A LIFETIME.
b) Learn how to be satisfied with what you got, recognizing through Christ you have the strength to do ALL THINGS (v. 11-13)... Very Simple... Live within your means... spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, relationally!!! Quit worrying about STUFF and MORE STUFF
c) Recognize HIM, and those around you, who sow into your purpose in whatever position find yourself in life... Realize God really has given you ALL you need and more!!! Sometimes it comes in the form of some IN DUE TIME help when life throws you some unseen twists and turns, or someone steps in to help you right on time... REAL FRIENDS do that you know!!! (v. 14-19)
NOW... In closing, I recognize I'm still growing in God. Therefore, I'm trying my BEST to NOT waste anyone's time (or mine for that matter) PLAYING married... WHEN I'M NOT... YET. When God sees fit to introduce me to my wife (whoever/wherever she is), IT WILL NOT BE A GAME... TRUST!!! By the same token, I'm not gonna play like I'm going through some divorce just because a friendship doesn't turn into a covenant partnership... I'M NOT DIVORCING!!! AT ALL!!! I will say this... Just like everything has a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8), When a relational season is over... THAT'S IT!!! Notice there is nothing about the four seasons that is exactly the same... NEW SEASON, NEW SCENERY!!!
I Love You All!!!
Please send any questions, comments, and/or prayer requests to mybrothasays@gmail.com
For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ program,
please contact Shellie R. Warren at shellie@nashvilleyfc.org or at 615-290-9905
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
YOU Seek FIRST The KINGdom!!!
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. - Mathew 6:33 (Amplified)
What's good friends?
As you may or may not have noticed, I've been very much out of the loop lately. Some of that has been due to my own lack of prioritizing (I never have time, but I've failed to make/take time), and some of that has been due to the fact that I haven't had much to say. God has been taking me through a process here lately that has been painful, uncomfortable, but ultimately a blessing. And although I'm still in the midst of the fire as we speak, I can already tell that He is refining my heart and mind and strengthening my spirit for the purpose for which He has called me. I'm the type that won't speak unless I have something to say, and although I signed up to participate in this blog months ago, it wasn't until now that I felt led to speak, so... here we are.
There has been so much going on in my life that has led me to pray for clarity and direction lately. Personally, professionally, spiritually... all the way around I've just been seeking answers about what it is that God wants me to do. I'm grateful that He has moved my heart enough already that my first move is to come to Him in prayer rather than start stressing out and trying to figure it all out on my own. For me...that's growth!
However, in all of my prayers, I keep getting the same answer. Short and sweet and with no trumpets, bells and/or whistles. All I keep hearing is "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Now, when you're searching like I'm searching for direction in what moves to make next, this seems like a pretty vague answer and I will admit to being frustrated by it. It's like,
Me: "God, what should I do about this relationship?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Me: "God, what direction should I be moving in professionally?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Me: "God, what is your vision for my life? My purpose in ministry?"
God: "Are you listening? Seek ye first the kingdom."
Over and over, this has been His response to everything I've petitioned Him about, so I started praying that He would reveal to me what that meant. And let me tell you, revelation is one of His specialties.
What the Father began to reveal is that everything in my life...every answer I was looking for...would be found and made clear once I submitted and drew closer to Him. What He desires is to be CEO of my life, not a consultant. I was going to him in prayer presenting Him with options and asking whether I should choose A or B, when I should have been simply worshiping Him for already seeing the way and praying that His will be revealed. God knows what's best for us, and He wants to reveal His plans for us. But He also wants to be able to trust us with the blessings that He has in store for us. What the Father is urging me to do is seek His righteousness, His way of doing and being, in my everyday life to the point that it perfects me and works out the foolishness that is bound up in my heart that would keep me from the good things that He has for me. He wants me to draw closer to Him in prayer so that I can learn to hear His voice. He wants me to draw closer to Him in worship so that I can avoid the traps of stress and fear. He wants me to draw closer to him in my every day walk so that I can avoid the sin areas that cause guilt and shame and separate me from Him. His desire is that I would draw closer to Him so that I won't have to ask his will for my life because His will is constantly being spoken in my spirit.
Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]. - Luke 17:21 (Amplified)
When the father tells us to seek His kingdom first, he isn't referring to some church or some physical place. He is urging us to seek Him out in our own lives and establish His kingdom in our hearts so that He can get the glory from our everyday lives. When we truly walk in communion with Him, his purpose for our lives is constantly revealed to us...and what's more is that we can hear His voice clearly because there is no interruption in that communication.
If you've been praying for answers, for direction, for vision or purpose... I urge you to take a break from those prayers and pray that God draws you closer to Him and teaches you to submit your will to His. He may or may not always clue you in to exactly what lies ahead, but you can trust that if you let him drive, you will get there a lot sooner than asking him for directions.
Please send any questions, comments and/or Prayer Requests to mybrothasays@gmail.com
For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program,
please contact Shellie R. Warren at shellie@nashvilleyfc.org or at 615-290-9905
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. - Mathew 6:33 (Amplified)
What's good friends?
As you may or may not have noticed, I've been very much out of the loop lately. Some of that has been due to my own lack of prioritizing (I never have time, but I've failed to make/take time), and some of that has been due to the fact that I haven't had much to say. God has been taking me through a process here lately that has been painful, uncomfortable, but ultimately a blessing. And although I'm still in the midst of the fire as we speak, I can already tell that He is refining my heart and mind and strengthening my spirit for the purpose for which He has called me. I'm the type that won't speak unless I have something to say, and although I signed up to participate in this blog months ago, it wasn't until now that I felt led to speak, so... here we are.
There has been so much going on in my life that has led me to pray for clarity and direction lately. Personally, professionally, spiritually... all the way around I've just been seeking answers about what it is that God wants me to do. I'm grateful that He has moved my heart enough already that my first move is to come to Him in prayer rather than start stressing out and trying to figure it all out on my own. For me...that's growth!
However, in all of my prayers, I keep getting the same answer. Short and sweet and with no trumpets, bells and/or whistles. All I keep hearing is "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Now, when you're searching like I'm searching for direction in what moves to make next, this seems like a pretty vague answer and I will admit to being frustrated by it. It's like,
Me: "God, what should I do about this relationship?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Me: "God, what direction should I be moving in professionally?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."
Me: "God, what is your vision for my life? My purpose in ministry?"
God: "Are you listening? Seek ye first the kingdom."
Over and over, this has been His response to everything I've petitioned Him about, so I started praying that He would reveal to me what that meant. And let me tell you, revelation is one of His specialties.
What the Father began to reveal is that everything in my life...every answer I was looking for...would be found and made clear once I submitted and drew closer to Him. What He desires is to be CEO of my life, not a consultant. I was going to him in prayer presenting Him with options and asking whether I should choose A or B, when I should have been simply worshiping Him for already seeing the way and praying that His will be revealed. God knows what's best for us, and He wants to reveal His plans for us. But He also wants to be able to trust us with the blessings that He has in store for us. What the Father is urging me to do is seek His righteousness, His way of doing and being, in my everyday life to the point that it perfects me and works out the foolishness that is bound up in my heart that would keep me from the good things that He has for me. He wants me to draw closer to Him in prayer so that I can learn to hear His voice. He wants me to draw closer to Him in worship so that I can avoid the traps of stress and fear. He wants me to draw closer to him in my every day walk so that I can avoid the sin areas that cause guilt and shame and separate me from Him. His desire is that I would draw closer to Him so that I won't have to ask his will for my life because His will is constantly being spoken in my spirit.
Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]. - Luke 17:21 (Amplified)
When the father tells us to seek His kingdom first, he isn't referring to some church or some physical place. He is urging us to seek Him out in our own lives and establish His kingdom in our hearts so that He can get the glory from our everyday lives. When we truly walk in communion with Him, his purpose for our lives is constantly revealed to us...and what's more is that we can hear His voice clearly because there is no interruption in that communication.
If you've been praying for answers, for direction, for vision or purpose... I urge you to take a break from those prayers and pray that God draws you closer to Him and teaches you to submit your will to His. He may or may not always clue you in to exactly what lies ahead, but you can trust that if you let him drive, you will get there a lot sooner than asking him for directions.
Please send any questions, comments and/or Prayer Requests to mybrothasays@gmail.com
For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program,
please contact Shellie R. Warren at shellie@nashvilleyfc.org or at 615-290-9905
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My Brotha Says... AHA
Be Faithful Over Few Things...
Matthew 25:21, 23
“His master said to him, ('Well done, good and faithful servant!!! You've been faithful over few things, Now I'll set you to reign over much. Now enter into the joy of your master.')”
Family, I've been off the radar for a minute simply because I had to do some soul searching. My Father God has really been doing a work on and in me and it has been a great experience, along with a great challenge. I'm going through some shifting and some sifting, Some shaking and breaking, and it has been great... PAINFUL at times but great!!! As I continue in my diligent pursuit of God's will for my life (which is being revealed more and more), my hunger for HIM is becoming more and more relentless. I'm trying, AT ALL COSTS to spend time with HIM on a daily basis, and search for HIM in everything I touch, see, and experience.
(I'm setting all this up to lead us on a quick word journey that will open a floodgate revelation for us all... Walk it out with me!!!)
The passage at the outset is one that we have most likely heard over and over again... and it has been used in most ways to impart the message of non-complacency... (if that's a word). I want to use this to encourage you in a bit of a twist of thinking...
We are all on a journey right now. We are all searching for meaning on so many levels of our lives (spiritual, emotional, financial, educational, vocational, relational, etc.) The more I dialogue with people in my circle, I'm finding that a great deal of shifting, sifting, shaking, and breaking is occurring. Allow me to break down the meaning of the process as it relates to the passage... PLEASE CONSIDER ALL THESE DEFINITIONS BELOW.
Shift -
to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange: to shift friends; to shift ideas.
to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another: to shift the blame onto someone else.
to change (gears) from one ratio or arrangement to another.
to change in a systematic way,
to move from one place, position, direction, etc., to another.
to manage to get along or succeed by oneself.
to get along by indirect methods; use any expediency, trick, or evasion to get along or succeed: He shifted through life.
to change gears
to undergo a systematic change.
Archaic. to change one's clothes.
a change or transfer from one place, position, direction, person, etc., to another: a shift in the wind.
a person's scheduled period of work, esp. the portion of the day scheduled as a day's work when a shop, service, office, or industry operates continuously during both the day and night:
a group of workers scheduled to work during such a period:
Sift -
to separate and retain the coarse parts of (flour, ashes, etc.) with a sieve.
to scatter or sprinkle through or by means of a sieve: to sift sugar onto cake.
to separate by or as if by a sieve.
to examine closely: The detectives are still sifting the evidence.
to question closely.
to sift something.
to pass or fall through or as if through a sieve.
sort, scrutinize, inspect, search, probe.
Shake -
to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements.
to tremble with emotion, cold, etc.
to become dislodged and fall (usually fol. by off or down): Sand shakes off easily.
to move something, or its support or container, briskly to and fro or up and down, as in mixing: Shake before using.
to totter; become unsteady.
to clasp another's hand in greeting, agreement, congratulations, etc.: Let's shake and be friends again.
–verb (used with object)
to move (something or its support or container) to and fro or up and down with short, quick, forcible movements: to shake a bottle of milk.
to brandish or flourish: to shake a stick at someone.
to grasp (someone or something) firmly in an attempt to move or rouse by, or as by, vigorous movement to and fro: We shook the tree.
to dislodge or dispense (something) by short, quick, forcible movements of its support or container: We shook nuts from the tree.
to cause to sway, rock, totter, etc.: to shake the very foundations of society.
to agitate or disturb profoundly in feeling: The experience shook him badly.
to cause to doubt or waver; weaken. to shake one's self-esteem.
to get rid of; elude: They tried to shake their pursuers.
an act or instance of shaking, rocking, swaying, etc.
tremulous motion.
a tremor.
shakes, (used with a singular verb) Informal. a state or spell of trembling, as caused by fear, fever, cold, etc. (usually prec. by the).
a disturbing blow; shock.
the act or a manner of clasping another's hand in greeting, agreement, etc.: He has a strong shake.
something resulting from shaking.
an earthquake.
a fissure in the earth.
an internal crack or fissure in timber.
an instant: I'll be with you in a shake.
—Verb phrases
shake down,
to cause to descend by shaking; bring down.
to cause to settle.
to condition; test: to shake down a ship.
Informal. to extort money from.
to rid oneself of; reject.
to get away from; leave behind.
shake up,
to shake in order to mix or loosen.
to upset; jar.
to agitate mentally or physically: The threat of attack has shaken up the entire country.
to hurry up; get a move on: You'd better shake a leg or we'll miss the first act.
to dance.
shake hands. hand (def. 77).
shake one's head,
to indicate disapproval, disagreement, negation, or uncertainty by turning one's head from one side to the other and back:
to indicate approval, agreement, affirmation or acceptance by nodding one's head up and down.
shake the dust from one's feet. dust (def. 25).
a very short time; a moment.
Related forms:
shak⋅a⋅ble, shake⋅a⋅ble, adjective
1. oscillate, waver. Shake, quiver, tremble, vibrate refer to an agitated movement that, in living things, is often involuntary. To shake is to agitate more or less quickly, abruptly, and often unevenly so as to disturb the poise, stability, or equilibrium of a person or thing: a pole shaking under his weight. To quiver is to exhibit a slight vibratory motion such as that resulting from disturbed or irregular (surface) tension: The surface of the pool quivered in the breeze. To tremble (used more often of a person) is to be agitated by intermittent, involuntary movements of the muscles, much like shivering and caused by fear, cold, weakness, great emotion, etc.: Even stout hearts tremble with dismay. To vibrate is to exhibit a rapid, rhythmical motion: A violin string vibrates when a bow is drawn across it. 2. shudder, shiver. 14. daunt.
Break - 1. An opening made by fracture or disruption.
2. An interruption of continuity; change of direction; as, a break in a wall; a break in the deck of a ship. Specifically: (a) (Arch.) A projection or recess from the face of a building. (b) (Elec.) An opening or displacement in the circuit, interrupting the electrical current.
3. An interruption; a pause; as, a break in friendship; a break in the conversation.
4. An interruption in continuity in writing or printing, as where there is an omission, an unfilled line, etc.
All modern trash is Set forth with numerous breaks and dashes. --Swift.
5. The first appearing, as of light in the morning; the dawn; as, the break of day; the break of dawn.
Related Words for : break
interrupt, interruption, good luck, happy chance, come apart
So I said this was gonna be a quick study so I'm gonna wrap this up REAL fast for real!!!
I defined the words, shift, sift, shake, and break for a SPECIFIC reason... I want you to identify what the Most High is doing in this season WITH ALL OF US.
Are you feeling or experiencing a SHIFT (transfer of location or thought from one place to another *ref Acts 8:39, 40*, systematic change, changes in direction *ref Acts 9: 1-22*, a change in gears to allow you to move faster or slower, a change even in how you present yourself in apparel; Or maybe a revelation of a defined season or SHIFT of scheduled work time with a specific group of people *ref. Matthew 9:37, 38*)???
Are you experiencing a SIFT (A separation of rough parts of you; a refining of you so the best parts of you can be brought forward and used; A close examining or questioning of things in your life right now *ref Luke 22: 31,32 and Exodus 27: 20*)???
Are you sensing a SHAKE ( Quick, irregular movements, trembling or unsteadiness; a joining of hands in agreement; a casting off, ridding of or eluding of things *ref. Psalms 37: 23-28*; An arousal of doubt or weakening in mindsets even in one's self *I Corinthians 13: 11,12*)???
Are you sensing a BREAK (An interruption especially in continuity; An experience with the first sight of LIGHT, as in the dawn of a new day *ref John 8: 1-12*)???
Consider these thoughts:
1)God is calling a lot of us forward in this season to do some great things. God sees opportunities to bless us all in magnificent ways. HE is examining what we do with the things we treat as insignificant, small in number or size, the things we take for granted. WHY??? Because what we do with the few, the small, the insignificant, will determine what HE does with us in abundance. “WELL DONE, good and faithful servant!!!You've been faithful over a few things, Now I'll make you ruler or responsible for many things. Enter into the JOY of you master.”
2)To do these great things for HIS purpose, some things about us MUST change and change QUICKLY!!! God needs to be shifted, sifted, broken and shaken of the things we have used as a smoke screen to manipulate the minds of people around the world, and even across the street, or next door into believing this dogmatic thinking we have about HIM. OUR DOGMA DOESN'T MATTER!!! What about the word?!?!?! Let the Word of God do the speaking. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass will wither and the flowers will fade, but the WORD of GOD will stand forever.” Can we change our thinking? YES!!! Can we change our ways? YES!!!
3)We must not be afraid!!! Understand this; The enemy is going to get mad and get busy trying to dismantle all efforts on our part to step boldly into what God has purposed in us... BELIEVE ME I'M A WITNESS EVEN NOW!!! People will judge you, say all manner of things about you, try to scandalize and discredit you, call you stone cold crazy, and even try to DE-RAIL you (another piece by that title is coming BTW). But Paul says in II Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-CONTROL.
In closing, Let us walk boldly into purpose, into destiny, into revolution, into HIS presence!!! I'm praying for every person that reads this writing that you will search for God relentlessly. There are circumstances all around us that we are allowing to define who we are instead of seeking identity in the Most High who created us. For my brothers and sisters whose lives are in the balance even now, I'm praying that God reveals Himself to you personally, and that you walk out an amazing purpose and seek to go deeper and grow deeper in your relationship with HIM. Don't let the past, other people's opinions, or even your twisted opinions define you. (“Seek God First and His righteousness, and ALL things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33)
It Is NOT A GAME!!! Even in what everyone else has called a mistake in your life, I want you to know that God is investing in you right now, whether you think it's little or much!!!Be FAITHFUL over whatever it is!!! Because God is preparing us to do some magnificent things in a rapid wave of manifestation. Can we get it going PLEASE? You know what family? The beauty of this epiphany is that we all have our own faithful few obligations or assignments from God, they may or may not be the same exact thing. IF we are ALL bold enough to be faithful enough over our own few, then God's total purpose is served... I LIKE THAT!!! So take care of yours, and I'll take care of mine... BRILLIANT!!! If you are out there and you know that you need a new start with God, you call out to HIM right now.... HE wants to save you, HE wants a relationship with you, HE wants to put in you all the things HE purposed for you.
Simply say God, I need you right now!!! Please come and change me from the inside out!!! Forgive Me, Save Me, I Believe you lived and died for me, and I confess that YOU are my personal access to salvation. Anything in me, anything on me, anything around me that is not like you, Shift me, Sift me, Shake me, Break me and remove it from me so that I can live for you. I thank you for accepting me. I'll NEVER be the same!!!
If it's you reading right now who has known God, but let life get to you, let people get to you, let your past get to you and you've walked away from the path where God met you, all you have to do right now is say this...
God, I confess that I've done wrong and want to pick up where we left off... Please forgive me and take me back. I'm sorry for the wrong I've done. Shift my thinking, sift me so that the best of me will be used to your Glory, shake loose the shackles that have bound me and kept me from your presence, break me of all the mindsets, intentions, and actions that do not represent you. I thank you for you forgiveness and your healing!!!
Love Y'all
Please send any questions, comments, and/or prayer requests to mybrothasays@gmail.com
For more information on Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at shellie@nashvilleyfc.org or 615-290-9905
Matthew 25:21, 23
“His master said to him, ('Well done, good and faithful servant!!! You've been faithful over few things, Now I'll set you to reign over much. Now enter into the joy of your master.')”
Family, I've been off the radar for a minute simply because I had to do some soul searching. My Father God has really been doing a work on and in me and it has been a great experience, along with a great challenge. I'm going through some shifting and some sifting, Some shaking and breaking, and it has been great... PAINFUL at times but great!!! As I continue in my diligent pursuit of God's will for my life (which is being revealed more and more), my hunger for HIM is becoming more and more relentless. I'm trying, AT ALL COSTS to spend time with HIM on a daily basis, and search for HIM in everything I touch, see, and experience.
(I'm setting all this up to lead us on a quick word journey that will open a floodgate revelation for us all... Walk it out with me!!!)
The passage at the outset is one that we have most likely heard over and over again... and it has been used in most ways to impart the message of non-complacency... (if that's a word). I want to use this to encourage you in a bit of a twist of thinking...
We are all on a journey right now. We are all searching for meaning on so many levels of our lives (spiritual, emotional, financial, educational, vocational, relational, etc.) The more I dialogue with people in my circle, I'm finding that a great deal of shifting, sifting, shaking, and breaking is occurring. Allow me to break down the meaning of the process as it relates to the passage... PLEASE CONSIDER ALL THESE DEFINITIONS BELOW.
Shift -
to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange: to shift friends; to shift ideas.
to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another: to shift the blame onto someone else.
to change (gears) from one ratio or arrangement to another.
to change in a systematic way,
to move from one place, position, direction, etc., to another.
to manage to get along or succeed by oneself.
to get along by indirect methods; use any expediency, trick, or evasion to get along or succeed: He shifted through life.
to change gears
to undergo a systematic change.
Archaic. to change one's clothes.
a change or transfer from one place, position, direction, person, etc., to another: a shift in the wind.
a person's scheduled period of work, esp. the portion of the day scheduled as a day's work when a shop, service, office, or industry operates continuously during both the day and night:
a group of workers scheduled to work during such a period:
Sift -
to separate and retain the coarse parts of (flour, ashes, etc.) with a sieve.
to scatter or sprinkle through or by means of a sieve: to sift sugar onto cake.
to separate by or as if by a sieve.
to examine closely: The detectives are still sifting the evidence.
to question closely.
to sift something.
to pass or fall through or as if through a sieve.
sort, scrutinize, inspect, search, probe.
Shake -
to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements.
to tremble with emotion, cold, etc.
to become dislodged and fall (usually fol. by off or down): Sand shakes off easily.
to move something, or its support or container, briskly to and fro or up and down, as in mixing: Shake before using.
to totter; become unsteady.
to clasp another's hand in greeting, agreement, congratulations, etc.: Let's shake and be friends again.
–verb (used with object)
to move (something or its support or container) to and fro or up and down with short, quick, forcible movements: to shake a bottle of milk.
to brandish or flourish: to shake a stick at someone.
to grasp (someone or something) firmly in an attempt to move or rouse by, or as by, vigorous movement to and fro: We shook the tree.
to dislodge or dispense (something) by short, quick, forcible movements of its support or container: We shook nuts from the tree.
to cause to sway, rock, totter, etc.: to shake the very foundations of society.
to agitate or disturb profoundly in feeling: The experience shook him badly.
to cause to doubt or waver; weaken. to shake one's self-esteem.
to get rid of; elude: They tried to shake their pursuers.
an act or instance of shaking, rocking, swaying, etc.
tremulous motion.
a tremor.
shakes, (used with a singular verb) Informal. a state or spell of trembling, as caused by fear, fever, cold, etc. (usually prec. by the).
a disturbing blow; shock.
the act or a manner of clasping another's hand in greeting, agreement, etc.: He has a strong shake.
something resulting from shaking.
an earthquake.
a fissure in the earth.
an internal crack or fissure in timber.
an instant: I'll be with you in a shake.
—Verb phrases
shake down,
to cause to descend by shaking; bring down.
to cause to settle.
to condition; test: to shake down a ship.
Informal. to extort money from.
to rid oneself of; reject.
to get away from; leave behind.
shake up,
to shake in order to mix or loosen.
to upset; jar.
to agitate mentally or physically: The threat of attack has shaken up the entire country.
to hurry up; get a move on: You'd better shake a leg or we'll miss the first act.
to dance.
shake hands. hand (def. 77).
shake one's head,
to indicate disapproval, disagreement, negation, or uncertainty by turning one's head from one side to the other and back:
to indicate approval, agreement, affirmation or acceptance by nodding one's head up and down.
shake the dust from one's feet. dust (def. 25).
a very short time; a moment.
Related forms:
shak⋅a⋅ble, shake⋅a⋅ble, adjective
1. oscillate, waver. Shake, quiver, tremble, vibrate refer to an agitated movement that, in living things, is often involuntary. To shake is to agitate more or less quickly, abruptly, and often unevenly so as to disturb the poise, stability, or equilibrium of a person or thing: a pole shaking under his weight. To quiver is to exhibit a slight vibratory motion such as that resulting from disturbed or irregular (surface) tension: The surface of the pool quivered in the breeze. To tremble (used more often of a person) is to be agitated by intermittent, involuntary movements of the muscles, much like shivering and caused by fear, cold, weakness, great emotion, etc.: Even stout hearts tremble with dismay. To vibrate is to exhibit a rapid, rhythmical motion: A violin string vibrates when a bow is drawn across it. 2. shudder, shiver. 14. daunt.
Break - 1. An opening made by fracture or disruption.
2. An interruption of continuity; change of direction; as, a break in a wall; a break in the deck of a ship. Specifically: (a) (Arch.) A projection or recess from the face of a building. (b) (Elec.) An opening or displacement in the circuit, interrupting the electrical current.
3. An interruption; a pause; as, a break in friendship; a break in the conversation.
4. An interruption in continuity in writing or printing, as where there is an omission, an unfilled line, etc.
All modern trash is Set forth with numerous breaks and dashes. --Swift.
5. The first appearing, as of light in the morning; the dawn; as, the break of day; the break of dawn.
Related Words for : break
interrupt, interruption, good luck, happy chance, come apart
So I said this was gonna be a quick study so I'm gonna wrap this up REAL fast for real!!!
I defined the words, shift, sift, shake, and break for a SPECIFIC reason... I want you to identify what the Most High is doing in this season WITH ALL OF US.
Are you feeling or experiencing a SHIFT (transfer of location or thought from one place to another *ref Acts 8:39, 40*, systematic change, changes in direction *ref Acts 9: 1-22*, a change in gears to allow you to move faster or slower, a change even in how you present yourself in apparel; Or maybe a revelation of a defined season or SHIFT of scheduled work time with a specific group of people *ref. Matthew 9:37, 38*)???
Are you experiencing a SIFT (A separation of rough parts of you; a refining of you so the best parts of you can be brought forward and used; A close examining or questioning of things in your life right now *ref Luke 22: 31,32 and Exodus 27: 20*)???
Are you sensing a SHAKE ( Quick, irregular movements, trembling or unsteadiness; a joining of hands in agreement; a casting off, ridding of or eluding of things *ref. Psalms 37: 23-28*; An arousal of doubt or weakening in mindsets even in one's self *I Corinthians 13: 11,12*)???
Are you sensing a BREAK (An interruption especially in continuity; An experience with the first sight of LIGHT, as in the dawn of a new day *ref John 8: 1-12*)???
Consider these thoughts:
1)God is calling a lot of us forward in this season to do some great things. God sees opportunities to bless us all in magnificent ways. HE is examining what we do with the things we treat as insignificant, small in number or size, the things we take for granted. WHY??? Because what we do with the few, the small, the insignificant, will determine what HE does with us in abundance. “WELL DONE, good and faithful servant!!!You've been faithful over a few things, Now I'll make you ruler or responsible for many things. Enter into the JOY of you master.”
2)To do these great things for HIS purpose, some things about us MUST change and change QUICKLY!!! God needs to be shifted, sifted, broken and shaken of the things we have used as a smoke screen to manipulate the minds of people around the world, and even across the street, or next door into believing this dogmatic thinking we have about HIM. OUR DOGMA DOESN'T MATTER!!! What about the word?!?!?! Let the Word of God do the speaking. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass will wither and the flowers will fade, but the WORD of GOD will stand forever.” Can we change our thinking? YES!!! Can we change our ways? YES!!!
3)We must not be afraid!!! Understand this; The enemy is going to get mad and get busy trying to dismantle all efforts on our part to step boldly into what God has purposed in us... BELIEVE ME I'M A WITNESS EVEN NOW!!! People will judge you, say all manner of things about you, try to scandalize and discredit you, call you stone cold crazy, and even try to DE-RAIL you (another piece by that title is coming BTW). But Paul says in II Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-CONTROL.
In closing, Let us walk boldly into purpose, into destiny, into revolution, into HIS presence!!! I'm praying for every person that reads this writing that you will search for God relentlessly. There are circumstances all around us that we are allowing to define who we are instead of seeking identity in the Most High who created us. For my brothers and sisters whose lives are in the balance even now, I'm praying that God reveals Himself to you personally, and that you walk out an amazing purpose and seek to go deeper and grow deeper in your relationship with HIM. Don't let the past, other people's opinions, or even your twisted opinions define you. (“Seek God First and His righteousness, and ALL things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33)
It Is NOT A GAME!!! Even in what everyone else has called a mistake in your life, I want you to know that God is investing in you right now, whether you think it's little or much!!!Be FAITHFUL over whatever it is!!! Because God is preparing us to do some magnificent things in a rapid wave of manifestation. Can we get it going PLEASE? You know what family? The beauty of this epiphany is that we all have our own faithful few obligations or assignments from God, they may or may not be the same exact thing. IF we are ALL bold enough to be faithful enough over our own few, then God's total purpose is served... I LIKE THAT!!! So take care of yours, and I'll take care of mine... BRILLIANT!!! If you are out there and you know that you need a new start with God, you call out to HIM right now.... HE wants to save you, HE wants a relationship with you, HE wants to put in you all the things HE purposed for you.
Simply say God, I need you right now!!! Please come and change me from the inside out!!! Forgive Me, Save Me, I Believe you lived and died for me, and I confess that YOU are my personal access to salvation. Anything in me, anything on me, anything around me that is not like you, Shift me, Sift me, Shake me, Break me and remove it from me so that I can live for you. I thank you for accepting me. I'll NEVER be the same!!!
If it's you reading right now who has known God, but let life get to you, let people get to you, let your past get to you and you've walked away from the path where God met you, all you have to do right now is say this...
God, I confess that I've done wrong and want to pick up where we left off... Please forgive me and take me back. I'm sorry for the wrong I've done. Shift my thinking, sift me so that the best of me will be used to your Glory, shake loose the shackles that have bound me and kept me from your presence, break me of all the mindsets, intentions, and actions that do not represent you. I thank you for you forgiveness and your healing!!!
Love Y'all
Please send any questions, comments, and/or prayer requests to mybrothasays@gmail.com
For more information on Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at shellie@nashvilleyfc.org or 615-290-9905
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