Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Latest of Epiphanies

The Coversation, The Revelation, The Confirmation: Keep it Moving (Forward)!!!

As I continue in my labor of love to reach out to my brothers and sisters out there who are dangling in the balances of life, I’ve received some very heartwarming responses to my writings, and some “I’m with you” responses and some “Man you’re talking to me” responses. It is my hope that as we all continue on our journey toward God that we’ll continue to seek Him in all things, not just the immediate areas of need. Let’s work toward a COMPLETE revolution in God not a partial “little dab will do you” experience. This particular writing includes a ton of reading that I hope you will take the time to do on your own… So I did not write out the references, I just pin pointed them.

My personal life is coming under attack by the enemy on SO many sides right now, that even as I’m writing to you, I’m prayerfully seeking God to continue to work on my head because of reoccurring dreams, and they are giving me snap shots of things to come in the future, and it is not a pretty picture. So I’m praying for preparation in the spirit for what the enemy is lining up to snare me. With that said, I’ve had some wonderful personal experiences in the sanctuary of worship hearing some wonderful challenges on my life as we move forward in to a changing climate in the United States. I realize that changes as drastic as the ones I’ve been going through are not nearly as palatable when so abrupt, yet the importance is critical to my own soul’s salvation… Between the political and social changes of the most recent days and the spiritual changes over the last year… I’m in full awareness that this is NOT A GAME!!! What really sealed the deal for me was when I had a conversation with my “love/spirit” sister Shellie, who helped me to realize that there are certain pitfalls that come with walking according to a God designated purpose. Those pitfalls are at times even the wedge in relationships that have been so critical to your life… and MAN DO I FEEL THAT NOW!!! I’m in an “Abraham” season right now… a separation from my family circle, friends are becoming associates or even acquaintances, and some people are just gone… It is what it is!!! I don’t get out much anymore unless I REALLY want to or for work, and the time I spend at home is usually reading, writing, or in deep prayer and focused meditation… And I admit this because I was a KNOWN social butterfly… Out all the time and knew everybody!!! Now that times and seasons are changing for me, I realize how much time I MUST spend with GOD alone. My current dating situation (of 3 months and counting) is also taking a strong brunt of the spiritual attack… because I don’t fit the “formula” for a “normal” Christian Man. Oh how quick we are to judge!!! This experience and time with God has led me by the spirit to this series of life lessons:


Lesson 1
No matter what kind of changes you make in your walk with God to do better according to His will, there will always be somebody who tries to draw a connection between you and your past. This stems from THEIR fear of YOUR power in the spirit. Why? Because THEIR agenda is in Jeopardy. (Reference Acts 8:1-3, 9: 1-31) Consider this in Paul’s life… Not until Paul (Saul at the time) made a change in his life toward God did he EVER go to prison, or face any trouble. But 2/3 of what we read in the New Testament of the scriptures are written by Paul, mostly from a jail cell, AND most of what we understand about the Christian faith comes from his explanation of the word of God AFTER his Damascus Road experience with Jesus. There are some of you out there right now who are feeling the pressure and the pull of your friends back to the life you once knew… NOT because you wanna go back, but because your old running mates will not let that version of you DIE… There was something they needed from that you that is not possible to get from the new you. Paul’s conversion was a threat to the turmoil against the early Christians because Paul was the number one hit man of his day. Now in his own defense He preaches the word to Judges, Rulers, Officials of the Church, Kings, and citizens, and they were all shocked because they knew his past, but the new him was more dangerous. Realize that a NEW YOU in God is more dangerous than an OLD YOU in the world!!!

Lesson 2
No matter the struggle, remember your warfare is NOT against flesh and blood, but it is against “systems” in place to keep you from your purpose and your destiny according to God’s design. So every attack you’re going through right now is ordained by the enemy to keep you distracted… If your finances, your emotional well-being, your family unit, and/or your spiritual life are being tested, know that it’s the ENEMY trying to seek and destroy by separating you from the connection you have with your Father in Heaven.
(Reference Ephesians 6: 10-24, II Timothy 2:1-26, 3:1-17, 4:1-22)

Though men and women on earth leave you… FORGIVE, remain FAITHFUL to God, and keep moving FORWARD in HIM!!! (Reference Job 12:1-25, 13:1-28)

Lesson 3
You have NOTHING TO PROVE!!! Serve God, Teach HIS Holiness and Righteousness. If they are receptive… GREAT!!! If not… Keep it Moving!!! Don’t get comfortable or settled… God is still perfecting something in You… so you may still be shaken a little bit too!!!
(Reference Matthew 10:1-42, Mark 6: 1-32, Mark 10: 26,27)

Lesson 4
As long as you know the power of God, rest in that power… He will see to it that you will be just FINE!!!
(Reference Isaiah 40: 1-31, I John 5: 1-21)

In closing… Your motion in God should never be backwards… ALWAYS forward… A crash happens when you move in the wrong direction of the flow of events!!!

I Love You All,


Please send any questions, comments, and/or Prayer requests to

For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at or call (615) 290 - 9905

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