Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Latest of Epiphanies

The Coversation, The Revelation, The Confirmation: Keep it Moving (Forward)!!!

As I continue in my labor of love to reach out to my brothers and sisters out there who are dangling in the balances of life, I’ve received some very heartwarming responses to my writings, and some “I’m with you” responses and some “Man you’re talking to me” responses. It is my hope that as we all continue on our journey toward God that we’ll continue to seek Him in all things, not just the immediate areas of need. Let’s work toward a COMPLETE revolution in God not a partial “little dab will do you” experience. This particular writing includes a ton of reading that I hope you will take the time to do on your own… So I did not write out the references, I just pin pointed them.

My personal life is coming under attack by the enemy on SO many sides right now, that even as I’m writing to you, I’m prayerfully seeking God to continue to work on my head because of reoccurring dreams, and they are giving me snap shots of things to come in the future, and it is not a pretty picture. So I’m praying for preparation in the spirit for what the enemy is lining up to snare me. With that said, I’ve had some wonderful personal experiences in the sanctuary of worship hearing some wonderful challenges on my life as we move forward in to a changing climate in the United States. I realize that changes as drastic as the ones I’ve been going through are not nearly as palatable when so abrupt, yet the importance is critical to my own soul’s salvation… Between the political and social changes of the most recent days and the spiritual changes over the last year… I’m in full awareness that this is NOT A GAME!!! What really sealed the deal for me was when I had a conversation with my “love/spirit” sister Shellie, who helped me to realize that there are certain pitfalls that come with walking according to a God designated purpose. Those pitfalls are at times even the wedge in relationships that have been so critical to your life… and MAN DO I FEEL THAT NOW!!! I’m in an “Abraham” season right now… a separation from my family circle, friends are becoming associates or even acquaintances, and some people are just gone… It is what it is!!! I don’t get out much anymore unless I REALLY want to or for work, and the time I spend at home is usually reading, writing, or in deep prayer and focused meditation… And I admit this because I was a KNOWN social butterfly… Out all the time and knew everybody!!! Now that times and seasons are changing for me, I realize how much time I MUST spend with GOD alone. My current dating situation (of 3 months and counting) is also taking a strong brunt of the spiritual attack… because I don’t fit the “formula” for a “normal” Christian Man. Oh how quick we are to judge!!! This experience and time with God has led me by the spirit to this series of life lessons:


Lesson 1
No matter what kind of changes you make in your walk with God to do better according to His will, there will always be somebody who tries to draw a connection between you and your past. This stems from THEIR fear of YOUR power in the spirit. Why? Because THEIR agenda is in Jeopardy. (Reference Acts 8:1-3, 9: 1-31) Consider this in Paul’s life… Not until Paul (Saul at the time) made a change in his life toward God did he EVER go to prison, or face any trouble. But 2/3 of what we read in the New Testament of the scriptures are written by Paul, mostly from a jail cell, AND most of what we understand about the Christian faith comes from his explanation of the word of God AFTER his Damascus Road experience with Jesus. There are some of you out there right now who are feeling the pressure and the pull of your friends back to the life you once knew… NOT because you wanna go back, but because your old running mates will not let that version of you DIE… There was something they needed from that you that is not possible to get from the new you. Paul’s conversion was a threat to the turmoil against the early Christians because Paul was the number one hit man of his day. Now in his own defense He preaches the word to Judges, Rulers, Officials of the Church, Kings, and citizens, and they were all shocked because they knew his past, but the new him was more dangerous. Realize that a NEW YOU in God is more dangerous than an OLD YOU in the world!!!

Lesson 2
No matter the struggle, remember your warfare is NOT against flesh and blood, but it is against “systems” in place to keep you from your purpose and your destiny according to God’s design. So every attack you’re going through right now is ordained by the enemy to keep you distracted… If your finances, your emotional well-being, your family unit, and/or your spiritual life are being tested, know that it’s the ENEMY trying to seek and destroy by separating you from the connection you have with your Father in Heaven.
(Reference Ephesians 6: 10-24, II Timothy 2:1-26, 3:1-17, 4:1-22)

Though men and women on earth leave you… FORGIVE, remain FAITHFUL to God, and keep moving FORWARD in HIM!!! (Reference Job 12:1-25, 13:1-28)

Lesson 3
You have NOTHING TO PROVE!!! Serve God, Teach HIS Holiness and Righteousness. If they are receptive… GREAT!!! If not… Keep it Moving!!! Don’t get comfortable or settled… God is still perfecting something in You… so you may still be shaken a little bit too!!!
(Reference Matthew 10:1-42, Mark 6: 1-32, Mark 10: 26,27)

Lesson 4
As long as you know the power of God, rest in that power… He will see to it that you will be just FINE!!!
(Reference Isaiah 40: 1-31, I John 5: 1-21)

In closing… Your motion in God should never be backwards… ALWAYS forward… A crash happens when you move in the wrong direction of the flow of events!!!

I Love You All,


Please send any questions, comments, and/or Prayer requests to

For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at or call (615) 290 - 9905

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Reflection

A Twist on Voting Day, The Election, The Outcome, and The Future

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 will go down in history as one of the most critical landmarks in history. I am glad that in my lifetime I was tuned in to witness it for myself. This represents what many who have gone before us DREAMED , causes for which some men and women died, the belief in the impossible, the hope for the unthinkable, now manifested in this present time… AND YES THE TIMES THEY ARE AND HAVE CHANGED. We’ve talked about it around the water coolers, dining tables, at the gym, spa, on the golf course, at the country clubs, happy hour bars, and even at church. So much history stood to be made… First mixed race (black/white get it right y’all) President, potentially the first Woman to be elected Vice-President, questions and hopes of change (political, financial, moral), I mean the ramifications were everywhere!!! I am a PROUD BLACK MAN RIGHT NOW… Always have been, always will be, but right now this is even more of a proud moment. I can tell my kids one day, when I get married and have some, that they can achieve anything… INCLUDING BE PRESIDENT!!!

But… I have a NEWSFLASH!!! This is not a political piece!!! This is a man trying to be obedient to God and deliver a word from God. (Romans 12:1-2, I Peter 4: 10-11) So read and listen carefully… THIS ONE RIGHT HERE WOKE ME UP FROM A DEEP SLEEP!!!

I’m now coming to the full understanding of the lessons intended for us all in this season, and I believe with my whole heart they are priceless (Revelations 2:7. 3:6)

Lesson 1
God the Father is STILL God the Father!!! (Exodus 20: 1-7) I’ve seen the media, and heard the chatter around my home city about how some have tried to make our new President-Elect some sort of god-like figure and I declare to you… THAT IS A SIN!!! Realize family that no political party has the power to redeem you or save you from ANYTHING. I’ve heard comments like, “this candidate will protect and restore the moral sovereignty of the nation…” WHAT SOVEREIGNTY?!?!?! The political process, the political system, and the elected servants at any level are FLAWED!!! WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE MAN and MAN MADE, and man is FLAWED!!! (Psalms 14:3, 53:3, Romans 3:12) But we’ve been hanging our hopes on this election and again I say that is a SIN!!! Our faith cannot be placed in Man… ONLY IN GOD!!!

Here we are trying to make a man-made process determine something that only faith in God will change… We’re looking for salvation in politics… WHY???
(Romans 10: 12-17) Even before the foundations of the world were formed God knew what was going to happen in this season. Therefore, we need to hang our hopes on our FAITH in GOD (Romans 8:28) Amen Somebody!!!

Side note… I DID VOTE, and I believe in voting for this reason… Men and women from various walks of life did risk (and some even lost) their lives in the struggle for all people in this country to be able to participate in the political process. I truly believe it is a slap in the face to those souls who fought in that struggle to not go to the polls!!! So yes, I do use the power of my vote to voice my stance!!!

Lesson 2
The sovereignty of God will always trump the perceived moral climate of ANY nation, Since God is still God!!! (Genesis 1:1, Psalms 90:2) having this assurance, we must then pattern our lives after the model of God. (Leviticus 20:7) Quit trying to make political debate issues like gun control, taxes, health care, education, the military, and pro-life vs. pro-choice the backbone of our morality. These issues are going to exist as long as the earth, human life, and politics exists!!!

Sidenote 2… I’m going on record right now with this one… I’m pro-choice… because I serve a pro-choice GOD!!! Joshua 24:15 says it clearly, “If it seems evil to you to serve the Lord God, CHOOSE RIGHT NOW who you will serve; the gods your fathers served on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amorites where you now live: But when it comes down to ME and MY HOUSEHOLD, WE CHOOSE TO SERVE THE LORD.” There lies the turning point to ALL arguments to me… I am not saying that I believe in murder, aborting pregnancies, or any other ungodly behavior you can imagine… But God gives us the power to CHOOSE (pro-choice) what we want to do as we conduct our lives.

Politics is business, which revolves around money, and the love of money is the root of all evil (I Timothy 6:10)

Lesson 3
If you TRULY know God, there is no need to fear what lies ahead… II Timothy 1:7-14 We have not a spirit of fear or anxiety, but of power, love, and a sound mind!!! I write to you today, family to say this… GET OUT OF THE RAT RACE and let go of all the propaganda, and GET IN THE WORD!!! Vote??? YES!!! But do not hang your faith on the things of this world. The bible says obey the law (I Peter 2:13-19), but at the same time remember you ultimate authority is under the God who created you!!!

Lesson 4
If you’re looking for a real change in which you can believe, II Chronicles 7:14-22 says go to the posture of humility and prayer, seek God’s face, turn from ungodliness and follow HIM, TRUST HIM, and have FAITH in HIM. Seek first the Kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all things will then be added. (Matthew 6:33) INCLUDING CHANGE!!!

In closing… Can we please move on??? We have battled for so long over race, political alignment, and personal beliefs… AND STILL GET NOWHERE!!! Let’s be real… If you get no help from Capital Hill… You can lift your eyes to any other hill… Knowing your help comes from the Lord God. I suggest you examine where your best representative laid it all on the line… At a hill called Golgotha (the skull)!!! When the Son of God was nailed to the cross, died and rose again conquering death, the grave, and sin, he erased all our debts, removed all the stains of sin… and gave me a reason to LIVE freely in HIM… He is Jesus!!! The author and finisher of my faith, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, the Lion and the Lamb (Matthew 27, Revelations 1:8, 11).

Father God I pray right now for this nation, its newly elected leadership, guide them and us the people who must render obedience to the laws of this land. We thank you that you are still on the throne no matter who is in the White House. We ask your guidance as we live from day to day and strive to serve you in a better way. Help us to always know the freedom we have in our faith in you. We Praise You and we thank you for our salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. In HIS PRECIOUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN!!!(Who the SON sets Free is FREE INDEED!!!)

I Love You All,


Please send any questions, comments and/or prayer requests to

For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at or call (615) 290-9905

Monday, November 3, 2008

"Broken Glass"

"Broken Glass"

Genesis 1: 26, 27, 31

“And God said, let us make man[human beings] in our own image, after our likeness[to be like us]: And they will reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the wild animals, and even the small animals that scurry along the ground. So God created human beings in His own image, in the image of God he created them, both male and female.

“Then God looked over all He had made and saw that it was very good. And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.”

In this season I’m writing particularly to my young sisters, but I think I’m really writing to everybody with this one (self, brothers, sisters, parents, ALL Y’ALL), because I really feel there is a due season word for our lives. So I invite you to soak this one up really good… IT GOT ME!!!

As I continue to make some serious strides in my life to walk in Holiness (Leviticus 20:7), Obedience and Reverence to God the Father (Romans 12:1, 2), I am reall y concerned about “IMAGES”… Self-Image, Medias creation of Images, and there seems to be a serious move to ENGRAVE these images in our brains, to the point that we end up aspiring to become these images, even worshipping these images, (which the Lord God has already commanded us not to do according to Exodus 20:1-6) and my main concern is that these are “BROKEN IMAGES” . Why do you say broken??? Because they’re created by HUMANS… and HUMANS are Broken (Job 14:1, Job 15: 14, 16, Job 25:4)… Aside… (There is another installment to this little series that will come later based on the broken human race so stay tuned!!!) Let’s go ahead and break this thing wide open…

I’m embracing a lot of people right now who are struggling with what they see in the mirror… (I’m ugly, I’m overweight, I’m never gonna attain this status, I’m never gonna be happy, I wish I had this person’s life, Why can’t everything be perfect like this person… etc.) The more I examine my life, and the more I examine the way we deal with each other in the human family, I’m finding these BROKEN images everywhere… EVERYWHERE!!! We find ourselves buying into perceptions of perfection, and end up just as broken as the images… If not more so and that my friends is the root definition of DECEPTION!!! I call it BROKEN GLASS… It will Distort you, Change you, Break your reflected image, and if you spend enough time with it, these images will Cut you, Scarring permanently, and maybe even kill you physically and spiritually. We have become so wrapped up in images(idolatry) that we are becoming zapped in our energy trying to attain things that are not real to begin with… And there are industries out there that are making Billions of dollars off our idolatry… PLASTIC SURGERY, LYPO SUCTION, RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, IMPLANTS, FAHION, MAKE UP, and I could go on… But it is an epidemic of idolatry… Let’s go deeper… If I don’t make a certain amount of money, live in a certain neighborhood, drive a certain car… I’m not successful… Even Deeper… If I don’t go to a certain college, and get these specific degrees… Well I’m a failure and just not smart enough… Hello???

Well… I’m gonna make this short and simple…

I’m all about health, wellness, fitness, a good life, prosperity, even wealth… Because I believe God the Father has endowed us all with GIFTS, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND TALENTS that make it possible to attain these things according to a Godly model. So yes I do believe we ought to have healthy diets, healthy living habits, we all need to work toward something REALISTIC in our lives[life goals, aspirations] but there is a wave of things we aspire to attain that are taking us away from the Central focus and that is living by the Godly Standard. (John 10:10 according to the New Living Translation “The thief comes for this purpose: to kill, to steal, and to destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”) I mean just look at the definitions…

Kill- To cut off, to take the life from, to bring to an end, stop
Steal – To take with out permission, To unlawfully hold possession of, To seize without proper notice
Destroy – To completely tear down, To WIPE OUT

Is there anyone right now feeling robbed of their life right now because of some tactic of the enemy??? I speak RIGHT NOW against the enemy who is trying to steal, kill, and destroy things about you with this feeling of inferiority simply because you didn’t do it THIS way or THAT way… YOUR LIFE is NOT determined by the influence of MASS MEDIA… Your life IS determined by the influence of GOD!!!

Family, the reason we are in this war with idolatry is because we do not see ourselves the way God sees us. When was the last time we really thought about that? How Does GOD See Me? Well I’ll tell you through the scriptures…

Genesis 1: 26, 27 tells us that God sees us as though we are like him, because we are made in HIS image… So that means he sees us as an extension of HIM.

Genesis 1:31 tells us that God sees us as something VERY GOOD… Why? Because he looked at ALL He created and saw that it was all VERY GOOD

Psalms 8:5,6 says that God sees us as a little lower than the Angels, and that we have been crowned with glory and honor, having been created to reign over the works of the hand of God… I LOVE THAT ONE!!! I mean I love them all but particularly that one!!!

My encouragement to you all is to seek the peace of mind that comes from knowing how God sees all of us. The problem I see is that we have allowed man created, broken images to rule in our mentality. We seek to please man at times more than God (II Timothy 3:4), but remember it is still GOD who ultimately saves us. All this Broken Glass we deal with is by influence of the enemy to confuse and that is not of God (I Corinthians 14:33)

Shout out to my friend Zack who helped me write these lyrics to a song entitled “Broken Glass”

“If You’re tired of the lonliness, tired of the shame… You’re Tired of the Broken Glass
If You’re tired of the hurt, tired of the pain… You’re tired of the Broken Glass
If You’re caught in a storm, caught in a pouring rain… Walk away from the Broken Glass
If you’re ready to live again it’s time to change. If You’re tired of the Broken Glass”

My prayer for us all right now is to seek the presence of god as we seek to find our true identity. Do Not depend on Broken, Cutting, Dangerous, Deadly images of the world to define you. I also pray that as you seek God you open your heart to change the things that have kept you distanced from God.

Romans 12: 1,2 (New Living Translation)
“And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and Holy sacrifice – the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of the world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good, pleasing, and perfect.”

My My MY!!!

I don’t know who you are or where you are… But there is somebody right now dealing with issues on some many levels, I’m telling you right now to run toward God… Get in HIS word and let him speak to you personally. If you don’t know how… In these two words He’ll come right to you… GOD HELP!!!

I don’t know you but God does!!! He’s waiting to do some great things through you fro HIS purpose in the earth… There is a testimony in you right now that people tied to you need to hear.

Weight, Looks, Finances, Family, all these things are holding you captive right now… Because the enemy is trying to make you think you’re not good enough… Well the Devil is a LIAR, and the enemy is already DEFEATED!!! God is looking right now FOR YOU!!!

Even in your situation… you’re looking at mistakes you’ve made as though they define who you are… That is a LIE!!! There is a Loving, Forgiving, Healing God of a second chance, and a third, fourth, fifth, etc… Chance… He’s looking for you right now… Waiting for you right now!!! RUN TO HIM… CALL HIM…!!!

There are those of you right now who are struggling with school environments, middle school, high school, college, grad school… Thinking these degrees will define you better, yet still trapped by the enemy’s influence in how you operate your life… trying to please those around you, you are doing things you know are not right, hiding the skeletons in the closet, trying to live two lives… STOP NOW!!! You’ve already heard the VOICE of GOD speaking to you in your life and HE wants to use you in mighty ways for the KINGDOM’s PURPOSE… Tell the DEVIL to GET BEHIND YOU as I AM is calling you forward to serve HIM!!!

My final prayer is for ALL of us… Help us LORD to see YOU the next time we look in the mirror… And if we don’t see you to fall on our knees and receive you at that very moment… And call on you to come help us in this season to be what you have already made us… LIKE YOU!!! AMEN!!!



“If you only do what you did, You only get what you got.” – Unknown

Please send any questions, comments, and/or Prayer Requests to:

For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact Shellie R. Warren at or call 615-290-9905

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Be Encouraged, Be Enthusiastic, Be FOCUSED

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Brotha Says… Be Encouraged, Be Enthusiastic, BE FOCUSED

II Timothy 3:14-17 (Paraphrased later in the writing… But I do encourage you to read it before proceeding)

I reference this excerpt from a letter by Paul, written to a young preacher who is about to embark on a spiritual assignment that even Paul knew was going to be a test of Faith, Spirit, and Focus. If you have the time, I highly recommend reading both of Paul’s letters to young Timothy, but especially the third chapter of the second letter… It’s the blueprint for the foundation of popular culture right now. All that said, I truly love the way Paul after laying out prophetically this pop-culture blueprint, encourages the young man of God to continue to walk closely to, and be guided by the Word of God. Allow me to paraphrase in our modern day language what Paul is saying from verse 14 to the end, and hopefully you will find my intent for you , my sisters.

“So check it out, You need to make certain that you continue to practice DAILY the things you have learned, and have tried, and have been made fully aware of in the spiritual realm. Especially since the people who taught it to you have passed this way too… SO you know it’s real talk. Even from your early childhood years the Word has been poured into you, and you know the scriptures and their ability to keep you, (not just spiritually, but also conscious out here in these streets) remembering that they lead to salvation in Christ the Son of God, if you keep your faith strong in Him. ALL of the Word is God- spoken, even if not directly from His own mouth, but is TRULY handed down by Him. So it is a good foundation, strong enough to keep you learning, growing, disciplined, and spiritually focused on walking in obedience and righteousness to God. There you will find completion, AND be fully equipped and capable to serve God’s purpose on earth by serving mankind and serving God.”

Family, IT IS TRULY NOT A GAME OUT HERE!!! As you, my sisters, enter the depths of the school year, into new careers and new endeavors in life, WHATEVER the case may be, TAKE THE WORD WITH YOU!!! God, through HIS word will hold you still in the storm, keep you rooted and grounded when other ground is shaking and the world around you is crumbling. HE will give you peace of mind in chaos, uncertainty, and even doubt. Just remember from the beginning, YOU know, have known, and STILL KNOW the power of God in your life. SOOO… Continue to walk closely to the Word. Your focus in this season is critical. I’m seeing the cast outs, castaways, and cast downs all over the nation rising up and possessing your territory for the Kingdom of God. That is happening because there are those of you out there right now who are making U-Turn decisions with your lives even now. It’s time to do something different… IT’s TIME to GET RIGHT… OTHERWISE GET LEFT!!!

Again, I encourage you, Be encouraged by the Word, Be Enthused by the Word, but most of all be FOCUSED ON and IN the WORD, which will keep you focused in your life pursuits. I’ll close this with Matthew 6:33… “Seek, FIRST, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will then be added to you.” Whatever you want or Need, God has it for you… SO LONG AS YOU ARE SEEKING HIM FIRST!!!

Love Ya’ll

Please send any questions, comments, and/or Prayer Requests to:
For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program, please contact:
Shellie R. Warren at or call 615-290-9905

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hey Ladies,

So, I'm sure you're wondering just what this blog is all about. Well, if you stick with it for, oh, about five minutes or so, I'm sure you'll get the gist. I just wanted to take a moment to assure you that it will be well worth your while!

As a survivor of sexual abuse (what happens to you) and sexual misuse (the harm you tend to do to yourself), I have learned the hard way that when it comes to understanding the mind of a man, the last place you should go is another woman; it's best to ask a man---preferably a godly man, first.

During this season of singleness and abstinence, I have found true blessings in my own "Big Brothers". Whether I want to hear it or not, believe it or not, they have given me some valuable information that has prevented me from making some grave mistakes. In the fantasy world, we tend to only listen to what we want to hear, but in the real world, we need to hear that truth because as John 8:32 says, when you know the truth, it will make you free!

So, as a part of the Nashville Youth for Christ Teen Moms Ministry, this blog was birthed as a way for young women across the globe to read information, ask questions and make prayer requests as it relates to matters of the heart. I hope you will check back to see what Joseph and Rick have to say each month. I know both of these guys personally and they have definitely provided me with a big, healthy helping of food for thought.

Happy Reading...Learning...Growing,

Shellie R. Warren
Teen Moms Coordinator/Nashville Youth for Christ

Hello all,

My name is Rick and I'm a 29 year old single brother from Nashville, TN. I'm both grateful and excited to be given this opportunity to share my thoughts with you through this blog. What I hope to be able to do here is start a dialogue, both with you and amongst yourselves, about some of the issues that women deal with, as well as offer a uniquely male perspective on those issues. I will never claim to be perfect or all knowing, only even headed and open minded as we explore these topics together. Feel free to question, comment, and/or challenge what I have to say. Just know that my intention here is to shed light on how men see things so that, hopefully, you can gain some insight and perspective as God leads you to your own conclusions. Don't think of me as an expert, a counselor, or a professional... just as a brother with some common sense that you can talk to and hopefully gain from. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and hearing from you as we try to navigate through this crazy world together.

Your brotha,


My Name is Joseph, I am 31 years old, a native of Nashville, Tennessee and still a proud resident of Nashville as well. I am single for the moment, but in a patient awaiting for the Most High God to present my life partner to me. As I try to serve God's purpose in my life, I've found that personal habits, choices, and thoughts needed to change severely, which led me to a number of revelations spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and philosophically. Honestly that is why I'm here... To share candidly some things that I feel we all question, and to offer personal insights that I hope will spark more than dialogue, but a revolution in thought and action. I am not a preacher... YET, I am not counselor, a clinician, or by any means an expert. I AM, however, simply a MAN, a man who thinks, a man who feels, a man who cares, and a man who will at the very least say what is on my mind. And I hope you will join me as we get honest, and very candid with each other and dialogue. I expect disagreement, I anticipate the challenge of getting to a deeper level of understanding and appreciation for What women everywhere are searching for, what they are thinking about, what they are seeking from GOD. Yes, In some ways I know how men think and therefore act (Proverbs 23:7) so I hope to identify some common sense solutions, and basic thought processes to seek God FIRST in all aspects of life and in human relationship dynamics. I hope you join in... Let's Begin...

Your Brotha,

You can reach us with questions, comments and/or prayer requests at

For more information on the Teen Moms program, please contact Shellie at or call 615-290-9905.