Friday, March 6, 2009


YOU Seek FIRST The KINGdom!!!

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. - Mathew 6:33 (Amplified)

What's good friends?

As you may or may not have noticed, I've been very much out of the loop lately.  Some of that has been due to my own lack of prioritizing (I never have time, but I've failed to make/take time), and some of that has been due to the fact that I haven't had much to say.  God has been taking me through a process here lately that has been painful, uncomfortable, but ultimately a blessing.  And although I'm still in the midst of the fire as we speak, I can already tell that He is refining my heart and mind and strengthening my spirit for the purpose for which He has called me.  I'm the type that won't speak unless I have something to say, and although I signed up to participate in this blog months ago, it wasn't until now that I felt led to speak, so... here we are.

There has been so much going on in my life that has led me to pray for clarity and direction lately.  Personally, professionally, spiritually... all the way around I've just been seeking answers about what it is that God wants me to do.  I'm grateful that He has moved my heart enough already that my first move is to come to Him in prayer rather than start stressing out and trying to figure it all out on my own.  For me...that's growth! 

However, in all of my prayers, I keep getting the same answer.  Short and sweet and with no trumpets, bells and/or whistles.  All I keep hearing is "Seek ye first the kingdom." 

Now, when you're searching like I'm searching for direction in what moves to make next, this seems like a pretty vague answer and I will admit to being frustrated by it.  It's like,

Me: "God, what should I do about this relationship?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."

Me: "God, what direction should I be moving in professionally?"
God: "Seek ye first the kingdom."

Me: "God, what is your vision for my life?  My purpose in ministry?"
God: "Are you listening? Seek ye first the kingdom."

Over and over, this has been His response to everything I've petitioned Him about, so I started praying that He would reveal to me what that meant.  And let me tell you, revelation is one of His specialties.

What the Father began to reveal is that everything in my life...every answer I was looking for...would be found and made clear once I submitted and drew closer to Him.  What He desires is to be CEO of my life, not a consultant.   I was going to him in prayer presenting Him with options and asking whether I should choose A or B, when I should have been simply worshiping Him for already seeing the way and praying that His will be revealed.  God knows what's best for us, and He wants to reveal His plans for us.  But He also wants to be able to trust us with the blessings that He has in store for us.  What the Father is urging me to do is seek His righteousness, His way of doing and being, in my everyday life to the point that it perfects me and works out the foolishness that is bound up in my heart that would keep me from the good things that He has for me.  He wants me to draw closer to Him in prayer so that I can learn to hear His voice.  He wants me to draw closer to Him in worship so that I can avoid the traps of stress and fear.  He wants me to draw closer to him in my every day walk so that I can avoid the sin areas that cause guilt and shame and separate me from Him.  His desire is that I would draw closer to Him so that I won't have to ask his will for my life because His will is constantly being spoken in my spirit. 

Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]. - Luke 17:21 (Amplified)

When the father tells us to seek His kingdom first, he isn't referring to some church or some physical place.  He is urging us to seek Him out in our own lives and establish His kingdom in our hearts so that He can get the glory from our everyday lives.  When we truly walk in communion with Him, his purpose for our lives is constantly revealed to us...and what's more is that we can hear His voice clearly because there is no interruption in that communication. 

If you've been praying for answers, for direction, for vision or purpose... I urge you to take a break from those prayers and pray that God draws you closer to Him and teaches you to submit your will to His.  He may or may not always clue you in to exactly what lies ahead, but you can trust that if you let him drive, you will get there a lot sooner than asking him for directions.



Please send any questions, comments and/or Prayer Requests to

For more information on the Teen Moms/Nashville Youth For Christ Program,
please contact Shellie R. Warren at or at 615-290-9905

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