Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hey Ladies,

So, I'm sure you're wondering just what this blog is all about. Well, if you stick with it for, oh, about five minutes or so, I'm sure you'll get the gist. I just wanted to take a moment to assure you that it will be well worth your while!

As a survivor of sexual abuse (what happens to you) and sexual misuse (the harm you tend to do to yourself), I have learned the hard way that when it comes to understanding the mind of a man, the last place you should go is another woman; it's best to ask a man---preferably a godly man, first.

During this season of singleness and abstinence, I have found true blessings in my own "Big Brothers". Whether I want to hear it or not, believe it or not, they have given me some valuable information that has prevented me from making some grave mistakes. In the fantasy world, we tend to only listen to what we want to hear, but in the real world, we need to hear that truth because as John 8:32 says, when you know the truth, it will make you free!

So, as a part of the Nashville Youth for Christ Teen Moms Ministry, this blog was birthed as a way for young women across the globe to read information, ask questions and make prayer requests as it relates to matters of the heart. I hope you will check back to see what Joseph and Rick have to say each month. I know both of these guys personally and they have definitely provided me with a big, healthy helping of food for thought.

Happy Reading...Learning...Growing,

Shellie R. Warren
Teen Moms Coordinator/Nashville Youth for Christ

Hello all,

My name is Rick and I'm a 29 year old single brother from Nashville, TN. I'm both grateful and excited to be given this opportunity to share my thoughts with you through this blog. What I hope to be able to do here is start a dialogue, both with you and amongst yourselves, about some of the issues that women deal with, as well as offer a uniquely male perspective on those issues. I will never claim to be perfect or all knowing, only even headed and open minded as we explore these topics together. Feel free to question, comment, and/or challenge what I have to say. Just know that my intention here is to shed light on how men see things so that, hopefully, you can gain some insight and perspective as God leads you to your own conclusions. Don't think of me as an expert, a counselor, or a professional... just as a brother with some common sense that you can talk to and hopefully gain from. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and hearing from you as we try to navigate through this crazy world together.

Your brotha,


My Name is Joseph, I am 31 years old, a native of Nashville, Tennessee and still a proud resident of Nashville as well. I am single for the moment, but in a patient awaiting for the Most High God to present my life partner to me. As I try to serve God's purpose in my life, I've found that personal habits, choices, and thoughts needed to change severely, which led me to a number of revelations spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and philosophically. Honestly that is why I'm here... To share candidly some things that I feel we all question, and to offer personal insights that I hope will spark more than dialogue, but a revolution in thought and action. I am not a preacher... YET, I am not counselor, a clinician, or by any means an expert. I AM, however, simply a MAN, a man who thinks, a man who feels, a man who cares, and a man who will at the very least say what is on my mind. And I hope you will join me as we get honest, and very candid with each other and dialogue. I expect disagreement, I anticipate the challenge of getting to a deeper level of understanding and appreciation for What women everywhere are searching for, what they are thinking about, what they are seeking from GOD. Yes, In some ways I know how men think and therefore act (Proverbs 23:7) so I hope to identify some common sense solutions, and basic thought processes to seek God FIRST in all aspects of life and in human relationship dynamics. I hope you join in... Let's Begin...

Your Brotha,

You can reach us with questions, comments and/or prayer requests at

For more information on the Teen Moms program, please contact Shellie at or call 615-290-9905.


Anonymous said...

this should be interesting!!!

Anonymous said...

yaaaay it's my bff who i've never met shellie!!! i'm very excited to see how this turns out!!!